"These are the voices which we hear in solitude, but they grow faint and inaudible as we enter into the world."
I feel like the main reason I really appreciate this quote is because I actually can't relate to it. But I know that others hear those irritating voices in their head feel a wave of relief come over them when the voices vanish because they're not thinking so much. I personally think so much about what the world thinks and believes that the voices never vanish. The voices take place of my emotions, almost like "Inside Out". So while I'm still listening to "Anxiety" tell me that the world is judging me, I can hear "Happiness" telling me that others don't have to experience it.
"Society is a wave. The wave moves onward, but the water of which it is composed does not."
This kind of threw me off when I first read it, but after rereading, my thoughts clicked together. Society covers a lot of broad topics, but I think when it comes to things like human rights and opinions, we either ignore them and keep moving, or we address them and don't change them. The problems are still there, uncared for and forgotten, but society keeps moving. It's just as vicious as the ocean. If you drift too far out, if you bury yourself too deep in the hate speech and violence, you drown. You suffocate.
"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself."
I liked this one a lot because I know I personally am very reliant on most people but I tend to find a lot of peace when I'm in solitude. For example, I could talk to my friends about a problem, I could vent and ask how to resolve it, but when I really think about it, I am the only one who can bring peace to myself. Even if the venting makes me feel better and more like I have the situation under control, I never really have it under control until I fully address it.
I really like the second quote you chose and I think I completely missed seeing it the first time I read that essay and I really like it. I really like how you interpreted it as well kind of like how a "wave" or event happens and life or the "wave" keeps going onward but you're still there to deal with what happened.