Monday, December 12, 2016

Civil Disobedience

Some of the common attributes of the requirements are that they all had some sort of question that could follow them up. For example, with four years of a science/lab class, you could ask if you have to take the four years of math with it. They also seem to have not taken any student's opinions about the new adjustments and just had the faculty design it.

The relationship between the government and the individual becomes negative. These requirements cause the individual to become aggressive and angry with the government, causing outrage, protests, and disagreement all the way around. Having a negative relationship like this could cause the government (or its funds) to come crashing down from not having supportive individuals.

I drew the line for myself at dropping out of school entirely. I still want to receive a quality education, but I wouldn't want to have that education at a school that doesn't please me or makes me dread walking in every day. I would rather enter a school where my education is fit for me, not for what the government or administration thinks I should have. If I'm required to take classes I'm not interested in or I lack skills in, I feel like a fish being asked to climb up a tree.

Quote Responses:

  • I love this quote. Man should always know what kind of people say that they are higher up than the rest of us and what decisions they are going to make before giving them respect. Because the more they know about their option, the more likely they are to trust that option.
  • We should think about being humaine first, being what we were born as, rather than as an object that's thrown around by society. We should always do that-be our natural human selves-but half of the time, the nation turns into robots and don't know how to properly live their lives.
  • I like this because we all have the right to do what we think is correct at any time yet we ignore that notion and think about the law or what isn't the law and it drives me absolutely batty because we could literally do anything we wanted. I could shave my head and learn karate tomorrow if I really wanted to. We have the right as humans to do whatever we please. 
  • I agree with the first one and I don't really have much else to say about it because it's very self explanatory: An unjust law is no law at all. It's like a rulebreaker, the odd one out. People aren't going to follow an unjust law (although many won't follow the just ones), but rather, they will break it again and again until the peoples' voices are heard. The government would not be able to hold off the protests of an angry group for very long. 
  • I both agree and disagree with this but I'm unsure of how to put it into words.

Thursday, December 8, 2016


Stuffed Animals
Coats & Winter Gear 
Hand Sanitizer
Nail polish
Chair Desk

My definition of "essentials" was things that I absolutely must have on me myself. Not necessarily for a rogue survivor of some kind but rather the things that I use all the time or keep me alive.

What was essential to Suelo? Suelo only needed clothes, caves to sleep in, and food. He got his resources from things that were freely given or freely thrown out, because he doesn't believe in money or the government. He was deliberate about not accepting help from the government and relying on the freely givens.

Lines from Henry David Thoreau:

"We do not ride the railroad; it rides upon us." I found this quote interesting because usually we hear the phrase "go with the flow" or other similar quotes and it's ironic because in order for us to go with the flow or ride the railroad, we have to provide for the "flow" and we have to support the railroad in one way or another. We're built upon each other and we as a whole form our own railroads.

"Our life is frittered away by details." This quote intrigued me because it's true, we just don't realize it. Nothing is ever cut and dry, simplistic and easy. There's always details in every action we perform and our life fades away to these details and schedules and we don't even realise it until too late.

"Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!" I like this line because it's basic (or simple lol). We don't need our lives to be frittered away by details, we just need our basics and a good mindset and then our lives would be easier. Simpler. We wouldn't have constant drama.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Nature & The Human Spirit

I would have done more than one photo but this was the only one that would upload. And that's entirely fine by me because from my perspective, this photo shows the most meaning about the human spirit. It mostly represents growth and the everlasting feeling of life. Generally when you think about trees, you think of strong, sturdy wood supporting thousands of bright green leaves. We forget about what's really on the inside, which is similar to human nature. We put on this outer layer of emotion that shows that we're tough, we can make it through our lives, but deep down on the inside, we have to commit ourselves to growing and becoming something prideful in the end. A pine tree specifically is a perfect connection to the human spirit because unlike how most trees fade away in the winter, the pine tree remains thriving through the cold times. The human spirit stays enlightened, no matter how far down it is pushed or shoved aside. It will always remain determined and strong. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

"Self Reliance" Post Response

"These are the voices which we hear in solitude, but they grow faint and inaudible as we enter into the world."

I feel like the main reason I really appreciate this quote is because I actually can't relate to it. But I know that others hear those irritating voices in their head feel a wave of relief come over them when the voices vanish because they're not thinking so much. I personally think so much about what the world thinks and believes that the voices never vanish. The voices take place of my emotions, almost like "Inside Out". So while I'm still listening to "Anxiety" tell me that the world is judging me, I can hear "Happiness" telling me that others don't have to experience it.

"Society is a wave. The wave moves onward, but the water of which it is composed does not."

This kind of threw me off when I first read it, but after rereading, my thoughts clicked together. Society covers a lot of broad topics, but I think when it comes to things like human rights and opinions, we either ignore them and keep moving, or we address them and don't change them. The problems are still there, uncared for and forgotten, but society keeps moving. It's just as vicious as the ocean. If you drift too far out, if you bury yourself too deep in the hate speech and violence, you drown. You suffocate.

"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself."

I liked this one a lot because I know I personally am very reliant on most people but I tend to find a lot of peace when I'm in solitude. For example, I could talk to my friends about a problem, I could vent and ask how to resolve it, but when I really think about it, I am the only one who can bring peace to myself. Even if the venting makes me feel better and more like I have the situation under control, I never really have it under control until I fully address it.